
The New and Better WordPress 5.5 – Lazyloading, XML Sitemaps and more

In WordPress 5.5, your website is revolutionized in: speed, search, and security.

On August 11, 2020, WordPress Released much needed version with updates that brings hot functionalities as a core build. Not only this, it has also brought up updated libraries of default PHP mailer function (going from version 5.2.27 to 6.1.6), and SimplePie, Twemoji, Masonry, imagesLoaded, getID3, Moment.js, and clipboard.js.

The update is also getting popular because of its cool features to have more control on updates of plugins and themes. Probably WordPress has realized the need as a fact that much of the plugins and themes part is customised for end user at production level.

Block Editor has also revolutionized with new updates that can bring you the ability to format complex layouts and design with a very much needed inline image editing capability which is nothing less than a gift for Microsoft Word users who have been lately used to this feature.

A much detailed guide about WordPress’ recent update technically for developers can be found out on WordPress 5.5 Field Guide.

Still need to discover the latest version? Go to your updates section under Dashboard and press update. Enjoy the latest release!

Don’t have a live website to test out the latest release? Go live now by one of our most affordable WordPress Hosting packages.

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